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Legal defense in case of deportation

Legal defense in case of deportation

Deportation in the United States begins with the Notice to Appear (NTA). This is a document issued by the country’s Department of Homeland Security, which explains the reasons why a person must leave North American soil. If you or someone in your family has received the Notice to Appear, immediately contact the attorneys at Rivera Immigration Law so that we can analyze your case and help you with all legal actions allowed by law.

Fortunately, the laws of the United States have different forms of protection in case of deportation proceedings, such as:

  • Asylum Application
  • Adjustment of Immigration Status.
  • Special Immigrant Juvenile Status or SIJS.
  • The Family Request
  • Humanitarian Relief.
  • Removal or Cancellation of Deportation.
  • Voluntary Departure.
  • Temporary Protected Status or TPS
  • Nicaraguan Adjustment Act and Assistance to Central America (NACARA) Program.
  • Advice to acquire citizenship

Obtaining citizenship in the United States brings with it a series of advantages in the labor, educational, and social fields since it opens the doors to all the rights established in the constitution and laws of the country. Beginning the naturalization process is a big step for anyone who wants to prosper in North America.

The Laws of the United States offer different options to naturalize, such as:

      Application for Naturalization N-400

      The N-600 Citizenship Certification Application

      Citizenship by the Cuban Adjustment Act

      Citizenship for people who work in the Armed Forces

      Citizenship by marriage

At Rivera Immigration Law, we offer you the best legal services so that you can start this process on the right foot. We give advice, help with preparation, and offer guidance so that your interview and naturalization test is a success.

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